The widening gap between the expectations and realities of working with employees who were born between the late 90s and early 2000s has stimulated studies into the dynamics of working with these young and talented employees who now constitute a third of the world’s population. I call them the bearer of a new order. Studies […]

Employees’ performances are hinged on many factors of which an enabling environment which allows employees to freely provide feedback without being shut down or victimised is pivotal. Organisations that have psychological safety as a part of their core values will always get the best out of their employees. When employees feel safe at work, they […]

In the business world, correspondence pitch ideas, accept or decline proposals, make offers, introduce products, advertise services, communicate core values, goals and quotas – this list is endless. However, the effectiveness of these correspondence principally depends on the quality of the sentences with which they are prepared. Whatever the goal is, everyone writes with the […]